Ferryman - Reflavor of Undertaker

Spell 9

Rare | Death | Evil  | Necromancy
Traditions occult
Cast (AA) somatic, verbal
Range 30 feet; Targets 1 living creature
Saving Throw Fortitude

You point your finger toward the target and whisper a curse that promises to sink them to the deep in the near future. This spell works best when both you and the target are in contact with a body of water. If either is not in contact with water, the target gains a +2 circumstance bonus on their saving throw against the spell, and if both you and the target are not in contact with water, the target gains this bonus and treats the result of their save as one degree of success better than the actual result. The target of ferryman can resist with a Fortitude save.

Success The target takes 40 negative damage. If the target is in contact with water, the ground in the target's space gets volatile, and is treated as difficult terrain until the start of your next turn.

Failure The target takes 80 negative damage. If the target is in contact with a body of water, they sink below the surface. The target is knocked prone, and that space is treated as difficult terrain until they reach the bottom.

Critical Failure The target takes 160 negative damage. If the target is in contact with a body of water, they sink toward the bottom. An iron chain then forms, tethering them to the floor of the body of water. This chain cannot be unlocked and must be broken; it has AC 10, Hardness 14, and 80 Hit Points. At the start of your next turn, the water becomes turbid and difficult for allies to swim down. If the victim dies while underwater, at the next sundown the victim transforms into an evil ghast as the chain crumbles, allowing the new undead to swim its way up to the surface.