Enchanter Builds

PAthfinder 2e role guides
enchanter wand icon

In a Pathfinder 2e party, enchanter characters take on the crucial role of manipulating magical energies to enhance their allies' capabilities and weaken their enemies. With their mastery over enchantments and spells, enchanters excel at buffing their party members, providing invaluable enhancements to their combat prowess, resilience, and overall effectiveness. Through their magical abilities, enchanters can bestow temporary bonuses to attributes such as strength, agility, or intellect, significantly boosting the party's combat potential.

Moreover, they can cast protective spells that shield allies from harm or bolster their defenses, making them more resilient against incoming attacks. In addition to bolstering allies, enchanters possess the ability to debuff enemies, weakening their offensive capabilities, hindering their accuracy, or reducing their resistance to damage. By sapping the strength and resolve of adversaries, enchanters create opportunities for the party to exploit vulnerabilities and gain the upper hand in combat encounters.

Outside of combat, enchanters often have utility spells that aid the party in exploration, puzzle-solving, and social interactions, further contributing to the group's overall success.

However, enchanters often rely on their teammates to capitalize on the advantages they provide, as their own offensive capabilities might be limited. Effective communication and coordination with the party are essential for an enchanter to maximize their impact.

Ultimately, the role of an enchanter in a Pathfinder party is to wield the powers of magic to empower allies and weaken enemies, ensuring the group's success through strategic manipulation of enchantments and spellcraft.


Stacking a few buffs can turn even the littlest gnome into a fearsome warrior. Enchanters use magic, potions, gadgets or even presence to improve their allies abilities.


On the other side of the token, debilitating an enemy can make life a whole lot easier for a party. Slows, fears, and countless other effects hinder an enemies plans and action economy. This includes damage over time, like poisons or bleeds, which chip away at enemies and leave them vulnerable to finishers.