Artio, the Celtic Bear Goddess, is a deity devoted to wildlife, abundance and transformation. And bears. She was worshipped by the Gauls near Switzerland – Artio is derived from "bear" in Gaulish, artos.
The goddess is one of the rarer among the Celtic Pantheon, but where depictions of her exist, she is often shown with holding fruit, surrounded by wildlife – or, in some cases, transformed into a bear.
This has given the impression that Artio is a spring-focused goddess. She celebrates the abundance of fruit and other crops that emerge as the winter recedes and the bears come out of hibernation.
The strong theme and otherwise blanks slate is a sweet spot for the Smite MOBA, which makes playable characters out of deity's from around the world. There, Artio is a Guardian, a god who can freely transform between her Celtic Druid form and her monstrous bear form, healing and protecting allies, respectively.
I am a fan of Smite, but I am a bigger fan of bears. Growing up in rural Canada, black bears and grizzly bears were not uncommon. Any time they can be represented in a cool way, I'm in. And a stance-dancing bear healer/tank is definitely a cool way. Artio is one of my favorite Smite gods for that reason.
So how does she play in Pathfinder?
Keys to the Character

Major Ursa
Healing with nifty druid powers is all nice and good, but when the going gets tough, the tough turn into a huge hulking bear!

90's Drip (790's)
You don't see too many fashion styles persist across a thousand years, but the Celtic tartan looks at home in a hipster bar now as it did around Bern in 790. Wear it with pride!

Never Short Staffed
It's not all bears all the time with Artio, it's just bears most of the time. For the rest, she is sprinkling in restorative magic to aid allies or plant-commanding power to bog down foes.

Knot Just A Symbol
Artio doesn't just fit the Druid class, she is a Druid worshipped by Druids. Sure, they didn't have magical earth powers, but they were literal Druids.
I don't do this for every build, but I will go out of my way to make a reminder here: these builds are about capturing a character, not min-maxing the game.
This build made me a bit existential about Pathfinder 2e and how it allows for party roles. This is a highly flavorful build that toes the line between supportive druid and mauling bear. That is a hard line to walk. It wouldn't be possible in a lot of games.
Fortunately, Pathfinder 2e gives us a lot of leeway for making fun builds. The difference between a highly optimized build and a mid-optimized build is not that large. It is difficult to make a truly unviable build. This may be close, but lord will it be fun.
On the tabletop, Artio wants to support allies as best as possible – sometimes through spells and sometimes through being a big bear body in between enemies and friends. We'll try to lean more into the "Tank" aspect, because being a bear is a little more fun than not being a bear. To do this, we will take a Wild Order Druid, then stuff it full of Fighter Dedication feats.
But this is not a classic shield and heavy armor Tank. Wild Shape makes it impossible to raise AC to the highest Champion and Monk levels, or even hold a shield. But is that required in Pf2e? Can Artio fill the "Tank" party role just by being a big grappling bear, investing in higher hit points and sustain? At Pop Culture Pathfinder we say: let's find out.
Luckily, like many spellcasters, Druid's class feats are kind of sparse and boring to make up for the incredible breadth of spells. That gives us a lot of chances to take fighter feats like Attack of Opportunity, Sudden Charge or Sweep to make being a bear funner than just making vanilla melee strikes.
Here's the caveat: in order to take the Fighter Dedication as soon as possible to hit the ground running with the bear build, Artio does not take 18 in her Druid key ability score, wisdom. But since she is often not using those spells to break through enemy Saves, it shouldn't be too detrimental, right?
Instead, we take a controversial and downright odd 14 Str, 16 Con, 16 Wis, 14 Dex 10 Int 8 Cha stat array that makes Artio wise enough and adequately healthy, while still being just strong and dextrous enough to take a level 2 fighter dedication. Let mauling commence.
Outside of battle, Artio's legendary nature skills can be helpful for exploring, healing and other herb-based activities. Plus Druids have an immense selection of primal spells that can be used to shape the terrain and a million more things. You just have to convince her to leave bear form.
Oathkeeper Dwarf
The Dwarf ancestry is our best hope of increasing the tankiness of Artio early on, while hitting some of the stats we need for the Fighter Dedication.
And the choice pays dividends early, with Unburdered Iron eliminating the speed penalties associated with wearing armor – something that a front line character is going to want to do before shifting to bed form.
Another shining spot in the feat lineup for a dwarf is Mountain's Stoutness at level 8, which adds extra hitpoints per level and stacks with both Toughness and Fighter Resiliency. The three of these, coupled with a focus on Constitution, add up to a nice padding of hit points for a face-tanking werebear.
The Farmsteader background gives some abundance vibes. That crop-holding, spring-loving image of Artio has some overlap with the farming and homestead raising spects of the background.
Plus, it features either a Constitution or Wisdom bonus (cha-ching) and a nice Foraging feat that Artio would eventually take anyway.
Druid: Wild Order
The question that haunts this build is this: is it better to give a Fighter a Druid dedication, or give a Druid a Fighter dedication.
The answer, as always, is: it depends on what flavor is trying to be realized by the build.
For that reason, I didn't think too hard about it. Artio is a Druid who can turn into a bear, full stop. Yes, going the Fighter route would make early levels easier as a frontline character, but that's for a different build.
Plus, as said above, the Druid Class feats – especially if you only care about changing into one animal – are sparse enough that we can fill them up with Fighter feats and not miss out on any Druid functionality. The same wouldn't be as true the other way, where we would have to spend a lot of Class feats on dedications that just get the build to Master Druid Spellcasting.
After a few Fighter Feats, a Rogue Dedication is also grabbed down the line for the extra 2 AC from Nimble Dodge, invaluable for this build.
Skills & General Feats
Athletics (for grappling) and Intimidation (for frightening) are the most important skills for Artio, who wants to be disruptive as much of the time as possible.
Plus, being a druid, Nature is also a heavily trained skill.
Legendary: Athletics, Intimidation, Nature
Master: -
Expert: -