Susano – or Susanoo-no-Mikoto in the real myth – is the Japanese god of storms and sea. In myth, he was an impetuous, rash god. In fact, he was thrown out of the heavens by his sister for his behavior.
To redeem himself, Susano tracked down and slayed the Yamata no Orochi, a monstrous eight-headed serpent. While slaying the beast, his sword broke as he swung at its tail. Intrigued, he looked closer to discover a wonderous blade hidden there – the Kusanagi-no-Tsurugi.
He presented the sword to his sister as a peace offering. Kusanagi-no-Tsurugi went on to be a long-lasting symbol in Japanese myth.
Accounts of Susano are largely negative. Some scholars attribute this to his role as the god of storms – for farmers in an agricultural society, the rain is never the right amount at the right time.
As a god of storms, and later sea squalls, Susano has a control over the wind and rain. This includes lightning and thunder, of course, but Susano downplays these elements compared to, say, Thor. Instead, Susano harnesess the power of wind, rain and flash floods.
The storm god was added to Smite a few years after Yasuo was added to League of Legends. The comparisons are hard to ignore – not only are they both swordsmen with some control of wind power, but their movesets are very similar. Dashes, teleports, wind knockups and triple sword strikes.
But despite both being MOBAs, Smite and League play very differently purely because one is third person and one is top down. In that regard, I wouldn't mind having every League of Legends kit brought 1:1 to Smite, just to see how it feels to control in a different perspective.
And speaking of different perspectives, how would Susano play in Pathfinder?
Keys to the Character

Sword of Storms
Susano weilds the Kusanagi-no-Tsurugi – an amazing sword found in the tail of an eight-headed serpent. He uses it in a flurry, charging it up with static electricity over time, waiting to discharge.

Gust of Honor
Wind is a big part of what sets Susano apart from other nifty swordsman. He charges his strikes with powerful gusts that move enemies right where he needs them for a coup de grace.

Japanese Legend
Susano is a god in the Japanese pantheon – the god of storms (and later, sea) to be exact. But also, he's a real piece of work that got kicked out by the rest of the gods for ruining a party.

Cut Through The Static
Although Susano focuses on the rain and wind elements of the storm, a little bit of lightning can be a game changer. Shocking.
With a combination of sword mastery, wind magic and teleporting, a Laughing Shadow Magus feels just right for Susano.
With this build, focusing on the few wind spells that the Arcane tradition gets, Susano can spend his
On the battlefield, Susano is a gifted assassin, a expert at both ambushing priority targets and winning one on one duels with bigger bruisers through master swordplay.
When ambushing, Susano uses teleportation skills like Dimensional Assault or Frigid Flurry to make his way directly to his target, unimpeded. There, he can channel his highest spell slot into brutal, fulminating Spellstrikes that chunk the target down.
When dueling, Susano focuses on his sword skills over his magic, deftly dodging enemy attacks with his Rogue Dedication feats while striking back in a flurry with Hasted Assault.
Outside of battle, Susano's athletics and stealth can get him into tight squeezes and other locations where the team needs some infiltration. Plus, his adeptness with nature can be useful as well.
Sylph Elf
Both of these choices are more for flavor than anything absolutely necessary to make the build work.
The Elf ancestry boosts Dex, which isn't the key ability of Susano, but it is still important for a medium armor wearer. It also gives a nice speed boost with Nimble Elf, which is unfortunately not cumulative with the similar Slyph feat.
And speaking of Sylph – this heritage isn't super impactful, but it adds a lot of nice roleplay elements to a god of storms. This starts right at level 1 with the Stormsoul feat and continues from there.
One notable feat is the Storm Form Slyph feat at level 17, which allows Susano to cast a 7th level elemental form – choosing the air elemental – once per day. Since this limits his attacks harshly, this will primarily be used for the 80ft fly speed more than anything else.
It is as thrilling to chase storms and ride the wind as it is to ruin your sister's party with seven unspeakable acts. What can I say, Susano is the Johnny Knoxville of the Japanese pantheon.
This backgrounds gives a nifty Strength boost, which we want, plus Combat Climber and Athletics training for a bonus.
Laughing Shadow Magus
To me, the success of Pathfinder is in how many ways there are to bring a pop culture character to life, with all of them feeling right. If someone brought a Susano build to the table built around a Fighter class and Sorcerer dedication – for optimal swordplay with a splash of wind magic – it would fit right in among this one, a Magus core with Rogue dedication.
It's all about what parts of the fantasy we want to emphasize. For me, the Magus is a great start to a gish character who wants sword strikes to feel elemental, like the wind or rain could be delivered through them. We start there, and add additional feats from archetypes for the sword use.
Magus is an interesting class to build other archetypes on because of their tight action economy. Spellstrike is two actions, and recharging spellstrike is another action – either manually or through a Focus Spell use. This doesn't leave a ton of space for nifty sword arts like the Fighter provides, or even parries, which cost an action.
Instead, we need to find feats that add value, damage and survivability without requiring actions. For that, a Rogue dedication will work very well. The Rogue archetype gives Sneak Attacker, extra damage (even on spellstrikes) when the target is flatfooted. It also gives Nimble Dodge, which is a one-time use reaction per round at a higher AC bonus than a parry. It's greater risk, greater reward, and it doesn't affect Susano's goal of spellstriking a priority target every turn until they are vapor.
Skills & General Feats
With the wind in his steps, Susano is a stealthy character. Plus, whoever heard of a heavy god of storms?
The combination means Susano is legendary in Acrobatics, with slightly lesser focus on Nature and Stealth.
Legendary: Acrobatics
Master: Nature, Stealth
Expert: Athletics
Attribute Increases
Suggested Starting Equipment
Katana - a great start to Kusanagi-no-Tsurugi. Needs a shocking rune quick.