Princess Mipha
Mipha is the princess of the Zora, the daughter of the Zora King Dorephan and – most importantly – one of the Hyrule Champions. She is a gifted healer, not too shabby with a trident, and (obviously) one heck of a swimmer.
During the Calamity, Mipha’s crush Link frees her from the Divine Beast Vah Rutah. Afterward, she bestows upon him her gift of healing to help him defeat Calamity Ganon once and for all.
In other representations, like Hyrule Warriors, Mipha uses water magic to attack foes alongside jabs from her trident. She can cast spells to summon watery phenomena like geysers and hurricanes.
The Zora have always been my favorite Zelda race. Even in Ocarina of Time, I liked the often-hated Princess Ruto quest. However, my love of the Zora really solidified in Majora’s Mask. In that game, Link uses the Zora Mask to take the form of the fallen Zoran hero Mikau – a hard rocking, fast swimming boomerang-chucking badass.
Water levels are nearly universally hated. I get it. But I like that the Zelda franchise goes back to that well every time, and has the Zora people as a recurring element of it. Mipha was a great addition to the trope in Breath of the Wild.
I’m also always looking out for interesting healers for the tabletop, and a water-bending Zora princess fits the bill perfectly.
Keys to the Character

The Mask of Zora
Mipha is the Princess of the Zora Tribe, an aquatic race who live an amphibious lifestyle. They are the protectors of the water of Hyrule, where they live in the place known as Zora’s Domain.

A Very Fancy Pitchfork
The Lightscale Trident is a ceremonial weapon owned by the Zora royal family. As the owner of it, Mipha is fairly adept as a spearfighter.

Gracious Healer
The healing gift Mipha’s Grace was Link after she was released from the corrupted Divine Beast. The gift prevented Link from falling in battle when his health dropped. Maybe it could be used for some more proactive healing as well.

Water Water Everywhere
As master of the water domain, Mipha can cast many watery spells to boost allies and attack enemies. This includes summoning heavy torrents, waves, geysers and storms. As a Zora, she is an adept swimmer who can breathe underwater… hope her allies can swim!
Mipha is a shy, supportive healer who graces her allies with soothing, watery blessings. Above all, her focus is on healing damage. Once that is out of the way, Mipha can continue to support her teammates with powerful water-based spells that can reposition and debuff enemies.
In a pinch, Mipha can use her trident – and magic that manifests it into something greater – to assist her team with additional damage. But, let’s be honest, those spell slots would be better saved for heals.
Azarketi – Mistbreath
It’s a shame that the Azarketi has a Wisdom flaw, because there is really no other choice for a Zora build. So we’ll just have to take the hit, in the name of flavor.
The Mistbreath Heritage helps capture the amphibiousness of the Zora, taking away the submersion requirement and adding some land speed in exchange for swim speed.
Otherworldly Mission
Mipha has been called upon by fate to be one of the Champions of Hyrule. It is this mission that dooms her to be trapped in the Divine Beast Vah Rutah for eternity. Until, of course, she is freed by Link after he defeats Waterblight Ganon.
The Wisdom boost the background gives is needed, and the prophecy flavor is always fun for the GM and you. Just don’t get encased in a Divine Beast!
Cleric – Cloistered Cleric
Starting with the cleric class gives Mipha the best healing available to show off her grace. Plus, by choosing a diety with the Water Domain, she gets access to a few nifty water-based focus spells.
The base cleric class gives more than enough of that, however, so not many cleric feats are taken throughout the build. Instead, most of the build is spent building up the Wave Druid Dedication. Through that archetype, Mipha will grab another focus spell or two, and all of the Druid Spellcasting feats.
This will expand her build from a pure healer role to a healer / nuker as she uses area of effect water spells to douse multiple foes at once.
Skills & General Feats
As a Zora, Mipha has evolved to be a natural swimmer, attuned to the waters of nature.
Legendary: Athletics, Nature
Master: Medicine
Expert: Acrobatics
Attribute Increases
Suggested Starting Equipment
Trident – The Lightscale Trident is a ceremonial weapon of the Zora, wielded by the royal family. Mipha can use it in a pinch as a striking weapon. More importantly, she can manifest the trident in many ethereal, powerful forms.
Explorer’s Clothing –