Master Yoda
Jedi Grand Master Yoda was already 900 years old when he first appeared in The Empire Strikes Back. A grizzled, wrinkled, little green Jedi Master.
He instantly capture the attention of Star Wars fans and non-Star Wars fans alike with his unique way of speaking and mysterious origins. Plus he seemingly just gets really tired and disappears.
In a franchise that has spent a lot of time over the past 20 years answering questions we didn't necessarily want answered, Yoda's origins are still somewhat mysterious. That might be why his image endures. And now, we've got Baby Yoda (Grogu) who has reignited that spark.
I am not the biggest Star Wars fan out there, in fact I haven't seen most of them. But I have always liked the idea of the Jedi – and, more importantly, I love Frank Oz and the Muppets.
There's something I find very cool or funny about the fact that the wise old figure overseeing this giant franchise is a little green Miss Piggy-sounding Muppet. I love it. Especially when you go back and watch Empire, before his CGI or animated versions that followed.
That's the version of this build, the old, cane-using Jedi Master who lives in a swamp and talks inexplicably.
Keys to the Character

Cane-Do Attitude
The Return of the Jedi Yoda is a slow-moving, cane-toting old green dude. But even though he may seem muppet-ish, that cane still smarts when you're whacked with it.

May The Force Be With You
Lifting an X-wing out of the swamp is big flex when Luke is just lifting a rock or two. I wonder what else that Force power can do?

Do Or Do Not. There Is No Try.
[Ed. note: isn't that an absolute?] Having Yoda for a teacher might be a bit tough. Whatever happened to A for efforT?

I'm Really Swamped
Yoda's elf-exile since the Order-which-shall-not-be-named has been on Dagobah, a swampish area filled with bugs and humidity.
Building the Empire Strikes Back version of Yoda is a balancing act of the power of the Force vs. the slowness and frailty of the little 900 year old "swamp gnome". Like I said above, this isn't the Clone Wars jumping, flipping little green man. His acrobatic days are behind him – other than beating R2D2 with a stick a bit and riding on Luke's back.
But let's assume that he was given the title "Master" for a reason, and behind his slow, stationary physique is the immense power accompanying someone hyper-attuned to the Force. What would that look like in Pathfinder?
On the battlefield, this version of Yoda is slow, but steady. He uses the Force to pick and throw anything not bolted down at enemies. And, more importantly, he also throws those enemies from time to time.
Yoda is at risk of direct attacks, at range and in melee, but has several telekinetic tools to keep him safe, repelling enemies and projectiles away.
Outside of battle, Yoda can use the force (in the form of Legendary Diplomacy) to mind-wipe anyone who is posing as an obstacle between Yoda's party and what they want. It's an incredibly powerful tool, one that he is hopefully using for the right reasons.
Vivacious Gnome
Before you say it, stop: yes, Yoda looks almost exactly like a classic Pathfinder Goblin. But the similarities stop there. Obviously, he isn't a sharp-toothed pyromaniac with a thirst for the explody-explody, so we're not even touching that ancestry.
Gnomes, on the other hand, are similarly short-statured. But they also have some additional Yoda-like benefits, and with a few of their Fey ancestry feats. can even get the classic ears and skin.
Scholar (Religion)
Master Yoda isn't just the master because he can "do the Force" the best. He's a 900 year old walking institutional knowledge-holder of the Order itself.
Psychic - Distant Grasp / Gathered Lore
I thought about Oracle and Cleric to give the wise and slow feeling, but neither have quite enough access to the telekinetic power that will give us the feeling of wielding big force in a small package. Surely the starting point has to be a Psychic.
Specifically, a Distant Grasp Psychic, which helps replace his "ordinary" attack with a souped-up smack from whatever happens to be laying around, delivered by the Force.
Skills & General Feats
Yoda has had over 900 years to accumulate some skills. But after 900 years, you start to lose a few.
Legendary: Religion, Diplomacy
Master: Lore: Academia
Expert: -
Attribute Increases
Suggested Starting Equipment
Key Spells
An important note before these spell suggestions – a lot of the really thematic "Force" style spells available are actually given automatically as part of the Distant Hand subtype of the Psychic. So, while spells like Kinetic Ram, Telekinetic Maneuver and Telekinetic Haul aren't listen here, Yoda will make heavy use of them.